

-- Great Aunt Margaret Slavin

The Children

-- Dorothy Taylor

My Grandchildren

-- Shirley Williams


-- Belle Ahrens

8 grandchildren

-- Rosemary Ganley

Youngsters like Arvind

-- Margie Sumadh

Future worker and sons

-- Marion Burton

Maureen & Fiona and their children

-- Roberta Ann Walker


Ivey: You are so beautiful. I owe you so much because of the world you are inheriting. I work hard with other climate activists to slow down our carbon emissions so you can enjoy the world the way I have. Love, Granty Linda

-- Linda Slavin


I am really concerned about the kind of world we are leaving you, in this climate crisis. I am working, and will continue to work, to keep this world as beautiful as I can.
Great-uncle Alan

-- Alan Slavin

My precious granddaughters represent all children. May we leave a better world for the children and creatures. Sat Nam

Thank you🕉☮️☯️🌏

-- Loana Bennett